Offshore Subsea Structural inspections on Windfarms in the Germany and Denmark
DONG Energy has 3 windfarms consisting of, Borkum and Gode Wind in the German northsea. Anholt Windfarm in the Kattegat sea off the Danish Coast. As part of DONG Energys OMA obligation, a requirement of a specialist 3rd party or parties contractor to undertake sub-sea structural inspections at the locations specified. The work shall be carried out between April -September 2016 The tasks expected to be undertaken are but not limited to.
General Visual Inspection:
Transition Piece (TP)/Jacket steel surface; including welds. All Mono Pile (MP)/Jacket steel surfaces; including welds. Boat landing; including ladder structure, fender structure, stubs and support structures. Grout pipe; including welds, supports and attachments. Anode structures; including supports and attachments. Grout Seal; including supporting bolts. J-Tube and cable exit interface; Including support structure, welds, hinges and J-tube bearings. Cable route to seabed and erosion of seabed around foundation.
Marine Growth Inspection:
Thickness readings; soft and hard marine growth measurements taken from pre-determined cardinal points both vertically and circumferentially.
Inspection of Cathodic Protection System:
Cleaning of selected anodes to determine anode depletion estimate. Potential readings taken externally on the Jacket/TP and MP at pre-determined cardinal points both vertically and circumferentially.
Close Visual Inspection of Grout Seal:
Cleaning of grout seal followed by close visual inspection.
Close Visual Inspection of Cable Protection and Route System.
Performed on each cable route identifying; Cable Positioning in Cable Protection System, Cable exposure, Cable free span. Other windfarms owned or operated by Dong Energy in Denmark for lot 1 and Germany for lot 2 will be able to use the agreements. It is voluntary for the tenderers to provide such rates and they will not be evaluated.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-12-17.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-12-02.
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