MR station Artillerivej

The Municipality of Copenhagen and CPH City & Port has decided to establish homes and offices in the former industrial area between HC Ørsted Power Plant and the harbor at Enghave Brygge. In this context, the natural gas transmission line from Amager to HC Ørstedsværket shall be redirected.
This contract notice concerns the project to plan, design and build a new MR station that can feed‘s re-engineered gas pipeline. The new MR Station shall be delivered as a turnkey delivery.
The MR station will be supplied from the Danish Natural gas transmission system, which has a design pressure of 80 bar, and it shall be designed for a discharge pressure of 55 bar. However both station inlet and — outlet to be designed for 80 bar i.e. pressure testing for 120 bar.
The maximum flow will be approximately 66 000 Nm3/h.
The turnkey contract contains as a minimum — but not limited to — the following:
— Design / detailed design of all deliveries;
— Delivery of documentation and materials for the purpose of regulatory approval (technical specifications regarding gas, environmental and con-struction-related regulatory procedures);
— Proof of delivery;
— Compliance with technical specifications from
— Information on dimensions, weight etc. to be used for foundations;
— Architectural project(s), including design drawings, descriptions, as-built drawings, calculations etc.;
— Establishment of structures;
— The design, procurement and construction of installations, including:
o Ventilation system;
o Piping for inlet, filter, pre-heating, control, measurement and outlet;
o Instrumentation, instrumentation tubing, blow down and vent lines;
o gas train;
o Odorant system;
o Gas fired central heating system for prepeating of gas andl. space heating;
o SCADA system incl. calculations, PLC programming, data exchange, installation plans, diagrams, charts, etc;
o Electric power supply;
o Low voltage switchgear and control relays;
o Control Panels;
o Communication system (SCADA);
o Gas Alarm System;
o Emergency supply (UPS).
o The buildingstructure — and doors/gates for the meter and regulator room shall be designed for an over-pressure of 5 kN/m2 and the roof shall be designed with a light element for pressure relief in case of an explosion.
o The operation of the station is so that the temperature after pressure reduction will be in the range of 2-5 o C therefore removabal trays for water condensated on the piping shall be included. The water shall be drained into the sewer.
o Drainage incl. connection to sewer.
— FAT and SAT test of components;
— All transportation, handling and insurance etc. incl. crane and crane lift at supplier and the construction site;
— All fees etc in connection with the approval of the design and construction of pressurized components according to Danish legislation;
— Regulatory requirements for specific measurements, such as noise and emissions;
— Contact with authorities in regards to transport through Denmark.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-01-25. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-12-23.

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2015-12-23 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2016-08-23 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter
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