Material Handling and Logistics equipment for 2 Central Sterile Services Departments (CSSD's) at Rigshospitalet and Herlev Hospital and for a Distribution centre at Rigshospitalet in the Capital Region of Denmark
The Capital Region of Denmark plans to establish 2 Central Sterile Services Departments (CSSD's) at Rigshospitalet and Herlev Hospital for reprocessing of all instruments used for surgical procedures at the regions hospitals and a distribution centre at Rigshospitalet handling all incoming and outgoing goods for Rigshospitalet.
This procurement procedure covers delivery, installation, test and commissioning of material handling and logistics equipment for 2 CSSD's and for the distribution centre. The scope of works covers mechanical equipment like cranes, vertical lifts, various types of conveyors, robots and small/medium sized AGV's for material handling in the production environment. The scope of works also includes various local control systems for each type of equipment. Manufacturing Execution Systems are not included in the tender but the interface to a manufacturing execution system delivered under another contract is included.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-03-17.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-02-12.
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