M-08 Sludge handling

DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S

The scope of works relates to DONG Energy Thermal Power's conversion Life time extension of Avedøvre Power Station's unit 1 and 2.
Following shall be installed:
all machinery equipment for a complete functional sludge dewatering system based on chamber filter press technology.
Sludge is produced in the existing waste water treatment plant (WWTP), and dewatering system shall be placed in a new building close to the WWTP.
System will amongst other include:
— A chamber filter press;
— Automatic cleaning system for the chamber filter;
— Sludge tank (approximately 30 m³);
— Chemical-tanks and dosing pumps;
— Filtrate tank;
— Pumps and pipes linked to the existing WWTP;
— Container for the product (filtercake);
— CRS.
All systems and equipment must be fit for purpose and designed with due consideration for QHSE and current and relevant mandatory regulations in force within the European Community.
Technical requirements enclosed with the contract provide substantial liberty for the Applicant to solve technical and process challenges as long as optimum functionality, reliability and performance is obtained.
The Capacity and requirements of the Sludge handling system is:
— 660 kg/h (100 % dry) (no redundancy);
— The conditions of wet sludge is expected to be around 10 w/w %.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-11-30. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-11-04.




Dato Dokument
2015-11-04 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-11-24 Supplerende oplysninger
2016-04-13 Supplerende oplysninger