Lot M4: Steam turbine, Generator and District Heating Systems

HOFOR Energiproduktion A/S

Lot M4: Steam turbine, Generator and District Heating Systems.
A full functional unit for Steam turbine, Generator and District Heating Systems.
Scope of Supply includes:
— Backpressure non reheat steam turbine (estimated steam data 560C / 140 bar / approx. 190 kg/s and approx. output 150 MWe/400MWth) as well as auxiliaries (lube oil, control fluid and vibration monitoring, etc.)
— Synchronous generator and auxiliary systems (CT/VT, generator busbars, protection, excitation system and synchronization, etc.)
— Turbine district heaters, by-pass heaters, interconnecting steam connections inside turbine building, condensate pumps, condensate connection to turbine process cycle, steam by-pass valves and steam control flaps etc
— District heat piping inside turbine building incl. booster pump
— Feed water tank, preheaters, steam and condensate lines
— Piping for auxiliary systems (process cooling water, chemical dosing, Instrument and utility air, fire water, etc) within own scope of works
— Turbine protection and functional description for turbine control system
— Electrical installations (cables, cable routes) from electrical consumers to MCC, electrical installations (cables, cable routes, junction boxes) from instrumentation to marshalling racks
— All supporting steel structures, suspension and support for ducts, insulation, cladding, walkways, galleries and stairways
— Wear and strategic spare parts
— Engineering incl. layout, purchase from sub suppliers, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, testing incl. performance and guarantee test and documentation.
The Scope of Supply excludes:
— Pilling and civil works
— Main DCS system
The supplier shall be able to provide maintenance and support to the equipment.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-05-08. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-04-01.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2015-04-01 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2016-08-10 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter