Letbane på Ring 3 (Light Rail on Ring 3) — Transportation System
Contracting entity (the owners):
The Danish Government, The Capital Region of Denmark and 11 municipalities (Lyngby-Taarbæk, Gladsaxe, Herlev, Rødovre, Glostrup, Albertslund, Brøndby, Høje-Taastrup, Hvidovre, Vallensbæk, Ishøj) have agreed to construct a Light Rail on Ring 3 and formed the partnership ‘Hovedstadens Letbane’.
Formally ‘Ring 3 Letbane I/S’ will be the contracting entity. After a construction law is passed in the Parliament the name will be changed to Hovedstadens Letbane (HL).
The project:
The ‘Letbane på Ring 3’ will have 28 stations on a 28 kilometre double track from Lundtofte in the North to Ishøj in the South.
Frequent services at 5 minute intervals on weekdays make the light rail an attractive public transport solution.
The light rail is expected to carry 13 000 000 — 14 000 000 passengers a year. The number may increase to 17 000 000 — 18 000 000, as the area along the line gradually develops.
Contract structure:
The contract structure will be:
A. 5 contracts for Civil Works including roads, bridges and other complex structures
B. 1 contract for Transportation System (TS) including Stations, Substations and CMC (CMC Building contractor as nominated subcontractor, cf. below). The TS contractor will be subcontractor to the O&M contractor for part of the maintenance
C. 1 contract for Control and Maintenance Centre (CMC) Building (the contractor will be transferred to the TS Contractor as a nominated subcontractor)
D. 1 contract for Operation & Maintenance (O&M). The TS contractor will be subcontractor for part of the maintenance.
Further information on the project and the contract structure is available in the document ‘Information about the public procurement process’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘infodocument’), which can be downloaded from
Present contract notice:
The present contract notice comprises the Transport System contract.
Scope of work in the TS contract:
The contract for Transport System (TS) includes design, supply and installation of all TS works and supply of a complete light rail system:
— Rolling Stock: Passenger vehicles and Service vehicles.
— Control and Maintenance Centre (CMC) with stabling, control room, train wash, workshop with all required equipment for maintaining and operating the system (CMC Building as a nominated subcontractor, cf. above).
— Supply and installation of all Stations and Substations.
— Act as the system integrator during all phases.
The contract further includes part of maintenance of the TS equipment for a period of 15 years after start of commercial operation. The split will be detailed in the tender documents.
The transportation system shall be designed in accordance with the German BOStrab regulations. All equipment and systems will be similar to those found on equivalent modern European light rail networks.
Transport System infrastructure element of the TS contract includes Permanent Way (Track), Traction Power, Power Supply, SCADA, Intermodal Transport Control System (ITCS), Passenger Security and Information System (PSIS), Control Room, Radio and Communication, Signalling, CMC Equipment, Stations and Traction.
Substations for each 2 km line transforming 10 kV AC to 750 V DC. Scope includes building with all technical equipment as well as access road and area around building. Traction Power will be a 750 V DC overhead system with traction return through the rails. A dedicated 10 kV ring fed from 3 connections to the D.O.N.G. grid will supply the Traction Power and 400 V AC network. Substations will furthermore house SCADA and communication equipment.
Permanent Way (Track) will include the track super structure and be twin track, standard steel rails, 1 435 mm gauge, approx. 80 % ballasted and 20 % slab track (embedded grooved rail).
PSIS will be at fixed installations at stations as well as on the Light Rail vehicles (LRV).
Voice and data transmission will be provided via a fibre network, radio, Wi-Fi and mobile technology.
The signalling system will be based on the fundamental principles of driving by sight, but with interlocking system at a few locations.
Road junction interfaces will be by local LRV detection providing a request for priority to the local signal traffic controller.
Design to a more detailed level of the stations will form part of the tender documents.
Rolling stock is anticipated to be 27 units, bi-directional vehicles, 100 % low floor, 2.65 m wide and between 30 m and 35 m long standard light rail vehicles. Passenger vehicles shall be capable of operating 130 000 km/year with high reliability.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-12-21.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-11-05.
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