Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution (KF CGS). Cable Route Survey
The Contracting Entity hereby invites potential Contractors to pre-qualify for a cable route survey expected to be carried out in 2015.
As part of the Kriegers Flak (KF) Combined Grid Solution (CGS) the Danish TSO and the German TSO 50Hertz Transmission GmbH is preparing the installation of two parallel HVDC cables from the KFBE substation at the planned Kriegers Flak Wind Farm (DK) to the Baltic 2 substation at the Baltic 2 Wind Farm (DE).
The KF CGS cable route survey require geophysical seabed survey and shallow geotechnical investigations with grab sampling, seabed CPT, Vibrocoring and laboratory test.
The water depth varies between c. 15 m and 40 m MSL for the majority of the route. The relevant details will be specified in the tender documents.
Total quantity of scope:
Geophysical and geotechnical cable route survey of an approximately 26 km long cable route corridor.
Similar additional services to the above might occur.
It is intended that the bidder to be awarded shall enter into two separate contracts with and 50 Hertz Transmission GmbH.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-05-26.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-05-11.
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