Inspection, repair and maintenance service on the frigate F362 Peter Willemoes carried out within 28.7.2015-17.8.2015
The assignment includes inspection, repair and maintenance service, according to the specification, of the frigate F362 Peter Willemoes. The assignment includes inter alia docking and bottom inspection, a startup of Class Reneval Survey, exterior painting, repair and maintenance work on the hull and accommodation quarters, as well as general inspection, maintenance and repair work of the vessel's mechanical and electrical systems and components. In addition to the services already specified, the Supplier shall furthermore accept to perform further services on the vessel if needs for additional repairs etc. are identified by DALO during inspections, and if ordered by DALO.
The ship's main data: Steel ship
Overall length: 138,70 m
Length p.p.: 125,00 m
Width max: 19,75 m
Draught lower edge of the hull: 4,98 m
Draught lower edge of the sonar: 5,86 m
Draught lower edge of the propeller: 6,11 Displacement v. 5.31 m.: 6 645 tons
The following must be observed when docking:
No support in sonar range (from sp. 154 to sp. 171).
Lower edge of sonar dome is 1,012 mm. below baseline (BL).
Minimum 17.2 m. free space aft of sp. 0 to 200 mm below the BL for placement of axles must be ensured. Max. Extension of the stabilizer wings 11,975 m. from the center line.
The ship is available during the period 28.7.2015-17.8.2015.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-02-23.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-01-21.
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