Implementing partner for the development engagement “Strengthening the Malian National Assembly”

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida

The services to be provided under this contract fall under the Danish thematic programme for Democracy, Peace and Reconciliation for 2015-2016.
An implementing partner selected through a tender process will be responsible for the implementation of the Danish engagement with the Malian National Assembly. The contract is for a period of 17 months. The overall budget for the engagement is 9 000 000 DKK of which a part is reserved for activities to be defined later. Another part of the overall budget is allocated to services related to coordinating and administering the activities.
The services to be provided by the implementing partner include:
i) Ensure the implementation of development engagement activities according to the annual work plans developed with partners
ii) Provide technical assistance to the National Assembly on issues determined in the Development Engagement
iii) Coordinate with other technical and financial partners to the National Assembly
iv) Ensure the administrative and financial management of the development engagement, including reporting
v) Ensure the monitoring, evaluation and documentation of lessons learned.
The working language will be French. Knowledge of local languages is an advantage.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-07-01. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-05-21.

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Dato Dokument
2015-05-21 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-06-15 Supplerende oplysninger
2015-07-04 Supplerende oplysninger
2015-08-27 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter