Full-service consultancy — Logistics and Automation
The New Hospital North Zealand (NHN) is tendering for expert technical consultancy within various areas related to the logistics and automation of the NHN. The following areas are expected to be the main areas:
— Cleaning of beds and related articles (wheel-chairs etc.).
The technical consultant must be able to provide advice, consultancy and technical expertise on the best solution for automating the cleaning of beds and aids/utilities in NHN.
— Automated pharmacy solution including automatic unit-dose dispense and distribution of medicine.
The technical consultant must be able to provide advice, consultancy and technical expertise on establishing a fully automated unit-dose and distribution system for medicine at NHN.
— Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV).
The technical consultant must be able to provide advice, consultancy and technical expertise on outlining, specifying, tendering and implementing of an AGV solution between the service village and the core of the main building.
— Organisation and the internal value chain.
The technical consultant must be able to provide advice, consultancy and technical expertise on cost-optimisation in the supply chain and the work flow in the logistical area. This includes advice on the potential task and warehouse management system at an overall level.
— Traceability for logistics.
At an overall level the technical consultant must be able to provide consultancy on traceability issues and implementation of possible traceability solutions throughout the logistical supply chain and the interfacing between relevant IT-systems and other requirements from NHN.
The technical consultant must be able to provide full-service consultancy in all of the above-mentioned technical areas.
The technical consultant will be expected to participate in the following tasks:
— Technical drawing and description of equipment at a practical level;
— Planning and execution of user involvement;
— Aid and support NHN to achieve a balance between technical equipment and the building;
— Defining, scoping and executing the technological implementation of the relevant regional strategies in the construction project, where these exit;
— Drafting, developing and implementing of relevant strategies in cooperation with the client;
— Outlining a plan for requirements analysis and specification of relevant pieces of equipment to be implemented in the building(in cooperation with the client).
The main part of the full-service contract lies within the above-mentioned areas is expected to be executed in 2016, where the technical consultant must assist NHN in developing a plan for rigorous requirements analysis and specification on the technical equipment.
The contract continues throughout the construction of NHN. Therefore, the contract will run until (expected) 2020 when the construction of NHN is finished, cf. II.3) below.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-04-09.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-03-09.
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