Framework agreement — Purchase of Chaff and Flares

Danish Defence Acqusition and Logistic Organization (DALO)

The purpose of this Framework Agreement is to supply the Royal Danish Air Force with Flares and Chaff cartridges to sustain operation of the F-16 fighter, C-130J cargo aircraft and EH-101 and Seahawk helicopters within RDAF inventory.
The Framework Agreement is divided into the following 6 lots/portions:
1. Standard MTV Flares;
2. Spectral Flares;
3. Kinematic Flares;
4. Propelled/Thrusted Flares;
5. Special Material Flares (SMD);
6. Chaff.
The following minimum requirements will apply to the Chaff and Flares to be delivered under the Framework Agreement:
— All Chaff and Flares offered must have been tested in NATO or bilateral trials;
— All Chaff and Flares offered must comply to STANAG 4687 or MILSTD 810 or equivalent standard;
— All Chaff and Flares offered must fit the ALE 40/47 dispensing system;
— All Chaff and Flares offered must be immediately ready for use (as weapons out of box).

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-03-10. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-02-06.




Dato Dokument
2015-02-06 Udbudsbekendtgørelse