Framework Agreement concerning delivery and repair of Sonar domes
This framework agreement covers purchase of sonar domes and repair service of existing and future sonar domes for Royal Danish Navy (RDN) vessels of the ABSALON (ABSL) and IVER HUITFELDT (IVER) class. Royal Danish Navy shall not be obliged to buy any minimum quantity of services or products covered by the framework agreement.
However, initially Royal Danish Navy (RDN) will buy 2 new sonar domes.
At present RDN have 5 sonar domes in service on the ABSL and IVER class vessels, plus 2 spare domes. These domes have been purchased and set in service in the period 2004-2010.
The Sonar dome on the ABSL and IVER class is placed in the bow of the vessel app. 4-6 m below the waterline. Inside the water filled Sonar dome the array for a Hull Mounted Sonar is located. The design of the Sonar dome is a compromise between acoustic properties and structural strength. The domes for ABSL and IVER class are identical (form, fit and function) and can be mounted on any ship of these 2 classes.
The sonar domes are made of fiber reinforced Polymer (FRP), E glass fiber and / Vinylester resin.
The production method of the dome shall be Vacuum infusion, to minimize air inclusion. It is essential that the sonar dome laminate around the sonar array is acoustic transparent. The sonar dome laminate around the sonar array (sonar window area), is a solid laminate with a thickness of 18-20 mm.
The sonar domes shall be approved by DNV-GL and Danish Maritime Authorities.
The design of the dome is fixed. Production drawings and production tools (moulds) will be GFE (Government Furnished Equipment).
The sonar dome dimension is app: 6.8 m x 3.2 m x 1.8 m (LWH). Weight app. 4 ton.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-02-23.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-01-21.
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