Frame Agreement for the supply of onshore services related to wells on natural gas aquifer storage
The tender covers a frame agreement with one supplier for the supply of onshore services related to wells on natural gas storage at Stenlille Gas Storage, Merløsevej 1 C, DK-4296 Nyrup. The services are tendered in two partial agreements which will content the necessary and usual activities, including:
1. Pulsed neutron logging of gas and sand in gas storage wells, including interpretation of the logs and reporting of results.
2. Wireline, pumping and coil tubing jobs, well consulting services (engineering) and emergency preparedness. intends to award the framework agreement to one supplier per partial agreement. The tenderer have to indicate in the pre-qualification if they want to qualify for partial agreement 1, 2 or both 1 and 2. The gas is stored in a sandstone formation named Gassum at a depth of about 1 500 m. The Gassum Formation is subdivided in 6 zones separated by thin clay-stone stringers. The services will include the necessary activities for to be able to comply with their obligations due to legislation as well as the necessary and usual activities of services related to well maintenance on natural gas storage.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-09-07.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-08-17.
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