Feasibility study_Baltic Pipe


The tender procedure will be a restricted public tender; with a negotiated procedure with prior publication of a contract notice.
Gaz-System and Energinet.dk invites Tenderers to submit a response to this pre-qualification to participate in the EU-tender for the assignment stated below.
The Contracting Entity wants to purchase Consultancy services regarding a Feasibility Study regarding the PCI Poland — Denmark interconnection Baltic Pipe.
The Feasibility Study aims to provide the input for design and geo-surveys of a proposed Baltic Pipe interconnection, as well as to identify a number of market based scenarios with the clear conclusions and recommendations regarding the scope of the further implementation of the Baltic Pipe including necessary reinforcements of internal gas infrastructure in Poland and Denmark and a connection between the Danish and the Norwegian offshore gas infrastructure (“the project”) in order to establish the new gas supply corridor allowing for gas transmission from the Norwegian sources through Denmark, Baltic Sea and Poland to Baltic region countries as well as Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
The overall objective of the Feasibility Study is to define the most optimal scenario to develop the project, to determine the ultimate efficient definition of the project from the commercial and technical point of view (scope of the necessary investments, demand, dimensioning, routing, capacity allocation model and cost) and providing a solid basis for a decision on the next phase including the detailed engineering and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project.
The Feasibility Study consist of 2 parts:
a. Economic Feasibility Analysis.
b. Technical Feasibility Study.
The Applicants must be able to provide both types of tasks as mentioned above (a. and b.).
a. Economic Feasibility Analysis:
The Economic Feasibility Analysis aims to establish the economic feasibility of the proposed project.
The Economic Feasibility Analysis comprises 2 main activities:
1. Analysis of the economic feasibility of the project:
— Quantify socio-economic cost-benefits;
— Project-economic feasibility.
2. Analysis on the regional market model:
— Ensuring optimal use of the Baltic Pipe interconnection and aiming for the full inclusion of Poland and adjacent Member States in the EU Gas Market Model.
— Plan for stepwise implementation of market reforms and possibly required infrastructure that will support and lead to the proposed market model.
b. Technical Feasibility Study:
The specific objective of a Technical Feasibility Study for the project aims to provide basis for decision for the next step which includes engineering and the EIA process.
The Technical Feasibility Study comprises 3 main activities:
3. Offshore installations.
— Evaluate routing for an offshore pipeline for the Baltic pipe interconnection.
— Provide cost estimates and construction time schedule for constructions in the Baltic Sea and North Sea.
— Provide basis for initiating an EIA process.
4. Onshore installations.
— Evaluate possible landfall locations and onshore installations.
— Provide cost estimates and construction time schedule.
— Provide basis for initiating an EIA process.
5. Permits and authority process:
— Dialogues with relevant authorities.
— Prepare Action plan for the authority approval planning concerning the permitting procedure of the onshore and offshore part of the project connecting Denmark and Poland.
The Contracting Entity will provide the selected contractor with “Analysis of the possible tie-in connection between the Norwegian and Danish offshore system” as an input to the works on the Feasibility Study.
The following experts are expected to participate in the execution of the services:
— Project Manager.
— Project Economic Analyst Expert.
— Gas Market Regulation Expert.
— Offshore Gas Infrastructure Expert.
— Onshore Gas Infrastructure Expert.
— EIA and Permission Expert.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-11-23. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-11-06.

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Dato Dokument
2015-11-06 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-11-20 Supplerende oplysninger
2016-03-30 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter