Contract for delivery, implementation and maintenance of a CAD Data Exchange System
Femern A/S wishes to sign a contract for the delivery, implementation and maintenance of a CAD Data Exchange System. The system will be operated by Femern A/S.
During the design and build processes of the Fehmarnbelt tunnel a large amount of CAD data will be produced, exchanged and coordinated by up to eight consortia of contractors and Femern A/S and Femern A/S' consultants.
Successful exchange and coordination of CAD data is of vital importance for Femern A/S in managing design interfaces between the different parties of the projects. Therefore the system encompassed by the tender is expected to provide an effective platform for:
— Exchanging, managing and archiving all types of CAD data (in original file formats) for the whole project
— Supporting workflow controls and value-adding collaborative processes
— Delivery of structured CAD-data for the preparation and integration of a future asset management system
The term CAD data shall be considered as a broad definition of all types of data created by different Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools during the design and build processes. CAD data are in this context all types of drawings, diagrams, 3D Models, Building Information Models (BIM), extraction of CAD-data in databases etc.
The contract covers the delivery and implementation of a system with integrations to the existing IT environment with as few changes and/or adjustments as possible. The existing IT infrastructure at Femern A/S is based on a VMWare Vsphere platform, and Data Core storage virtualization. It is highly scalable, and is currently running over 100 servers. Internet connection is provided through redundant fibre, and currently at 200 Mbit, but is scalable to a much higher capacity. External access to relevant IT systems is based on MS Forefront Unified Access Gateway and two way authentication with SMS Passcode. Internal and external user access management is made through Windows Active Directory. The database platform is MS SQL, and client computers are running MS Windows.
The system should ensure that all types of CAD data can be archived and retrieved in a structured and safe way. Femern A/S must be able to track the history of all CAD data, and continually be able to view the status of CAD data and take actions in accordance to the workflow processes this data is part of.
Besides general document management functionalities the system should also provide the functionality of managing specific features of CAD-files, i.e. reference technique, consistency of data between title box of drawings and the metadata in the system, viewing drawings, 3D-models and BIM-files, redlining and commenting etc.
A big part of CAD data will be subject to continuous exchange and therefore the contract is expected to include terms by which Femern A/S and other parties should be able to get access to the system 24 hours 7 days a week, and that the system is supporting all parties in managing the exchange of CAD data files in a secure, structured, controlled and user-friendly way.
The system will be used by both internal (Femern A/S) and external users (contractors).
Up to eight consortia of contractors will be using the system. It is expected that there will be between 50 and 500 daily users during the project period who will upload, exchange, archive and download about 50.000 digital CAD data files, including drawings and BIM-files.
Femern A/S' employees and the users of the contractors might be located all over the world and therefore it is expected to be a requirement, that the system is accessible from the internet and be operational on PC's and mobile devices.
Further requirements to the system are expected to be:
— The system should support the CAD rules stated in Femern A/S' CAD manual. All parties of the project are committed to follow the CAD manual.
— The system should provide clear benefits in terms of exchanging, managing and archiving CAD data in a structured way.
— The system should support processes and overview of status for work flows.
— The system should have an open interface for integration to future asset management systems delivered of other system suppliers.
— All parties should get an effective and structured platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing.
— All parties should be able to gain quick access to the system's CAD data from PC's and mobile devices through the Internet.
Furthermore, the contract includes all resources required for making the system fully operational and in all respects fit for purpose including delivery, installation, configuration, commissioning, testing, maintenance and support.
The contract will contain elements of both a public contract and a framework agreement, since the contract includes both the supplier‘s obligation to deliver the above, as well as an element of a framework agreement given the contract's terms entitling the contracting authority to make further purchases and acquisitions of the contract‘s services and supplies (additional services of maintenance and support, additional services regarding additional training and additional licenses) within the contract period.
It is the expectation that the system can be implemented in Femern A/S' internal IT-environment from October to December 2015 and be in operation on the 1.1.2016.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-06-15.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-05-13.
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