Civil (non-military) spare parts for the fleet of military vehicles of the Danish Defence
Through purchase under a framework agreement the Danish Defence Aquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase civil (non-military) spare parts for the main part of the fleet of military vehicles of the Danish Defence.
The framework agreement covers the purchase of civil (non-military) spare parts for military vehicles from the following manufacturers:
— Hägglunds Bandvagn 208 (Bv 208)
— MOWAG Durable Robust (DURO)
— MOWAG Eagle IV (Eagle IV)
— CV-9035 DK combat vehicle (IFV)
— Leopard 1 (LEO 1)
— Leopard 2 (LEO 2)
— Rheinmetall Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg HX (MAN HX)
— Rheinmetall Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg SX (MAN SX)
— Armored personnel carrier M113 (M113)
— General Dynamics European Land Systems-Mowag GmbH Piranha 3 (Piranha 3)
Some of the civil spare parts are repairable. Thus, the framework agreement includes a service framework agreement regarding repair of those spare parts.
The main part of the spare parts that DALO intends to purchase in accordance with the framework agreement are stated in a list in an appendix to the framework agreement. These spare parts shall be awarded to a supplier by way of a direct award. The civil spare parts for the above mentioned military vehicles of the Danish Defence that are not stated in the list mentioned and the spare parts that substitute the spare parts on this list shall, however, be awarded by way of a mini-competition procedure among all the suppliers that have been awarded the framework agreement.
The spare parts shall be delivered to locations of the Danish Defence throughout Denmark.
The spare parts shall be original spare parts or spare parts of matching quality.
The framework agreement is intended to be in force for 4 years. It will, however, be possible for DALO to terminate the agreement within this timeframe.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-10-06.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-09-03.
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