Cityringen — branch off to Sydhavnen — CRSH4

Metroselskabet I/S

Metroselskabet is in Copenhagen constructing Cityringen, Cityringen — branch off to Nordhavn and Cityringen — branch off to Sydhavnen (for short CRSH).
The present contract notice comprises CRSH.
CRSH is a dual track branching off Cityringen, starting after a bifurcation chamber ‘Havneholmen’ (Hah), on Cityringen located on the branch off from Cityringen to the Control and Maintenance Centre (CMC).
Four underground stations will be established:
— at Fisketorvet shopping mall;
— at Enghave Brygge just north of Frederiksholmsløbet Canal;
— at Sluseholmen between Sydhavnsgade;
— at Fordgraven and at Mozarts Plads.
A station will be established at grade/underground at the existing hub Ny Ellebjerg. The metro station will have passenger transfer to other existing railway lines.
There are at the moment two scenarios for CRSH illustrated below by the contract structure for the 2 scenarios:
Contract structure Scenario A:
— CRSH1A Underground Civil Works;
— CRSH2 Above Ground Civil Works;
— CRSH3 Ny Ellebjerg Transfer Tunnel Civil Works;
— CRSH4 Transportation Systems Works.
Contract structure Scenario B:
— CRSH1B Underground Civil Works;
— CRSH4 Transportation Systems Works.
The present contract notice comprises the CRSH4. CRSH1A, CRSH1B, CRSH2 and CRSH3 contracts will be announced in a separate contract notice.
The CRSH4 Transportation Systems Works contract is a design and build contract.
The scope of work for CRSH4 comprises the following elements of the transportation system:
— Permanent way;
— Traction power;
— Power supply;
— Local SCADA.
CRSH4 shall manage the design and construction interface with the underground works contractor CRSH1A/CRSH1B and the above ground works contractor CRSH2, and with other transportation systems and rolling stock supplied by the Cityringen TSC contract.
The CRSH4 contract has major design and construction interfaces to the following separate contracts:
— CRSH1A Underground Ground Civil Works (if scenario A);
— CRSH1B Underground Ground Civil Works (if scenario B);
— CRSH2 Above Ground Civil Works (if scenario A);
— TSC Cityringen Transportation Systems Contract.
The expected scope of work in the above mentioned contracts are described further in an Information Document, which can be downloaded from

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-03-14. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-12-18.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2015-12-18 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2018-03-28 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter