Affald Center Aarhus, flue gas condensation line 4 and rearrangement of flue gas ducts line 1 and 2

AffaldCenter Aarhus, Teknik og Miljø, Aarhus Kommune

The Purchase includes turnkey installation of a flue gas condensing plant at existing line 4 of a 16 ton/h WtE plant and retrofit of flue gas channels for WtE plants line 1 and 2 (2 x 8 t waste/h). This includes:
— Flue gas condenser,
— Pipings,
— Flue gas channels,
— Heat exchangers,
— Connections to district heating water circuit,
— Electrical installations,
— Water treatment plant,
— Approx. 100 m new flue gas duct Ø 1 600 mm with insulation and flanges for emission measurement equipment,
— Supports to the ground and hangers from lattice girders in the roof,
— Stairs, walkways and platform for support of container for emission measurement equipment,
— All auxiliary equipment.
The Contract includes complete detailed engineering, manufacturing, delivery, installation, testing, commissioning and education.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-01-22. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-12-17.




Dato Dokument
2015-12-17 Udbudsbekendtgørelse