Supply and installation of sorting machines

Afatek A/S

Afatek A/S is owned by five public waste management companies, covering the eastern part of Denmark. From its owners, Afatek receive Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) which is transported to Afatek's 3 sites for treatment and storage. Afterwards, the bottom ash gravel is used in the construction of roads. Afatek focusses on recovery of ferrous and non-ferrous metals from the IBA. This is partially in order to recover as much metal as possible, but also for the purpose of obtaining a high quality bottom ash gravel for road construction.
It is AFATEK's intention to construct a high speed metal sorting plant on site (Selinevej 18 DK-2300 Copenhagen S). It is intended to be one of the internationally most advanced plants as the plant shall recover ferrous and non-ferrous metals down to grain size 0,5 mm based on wet discharged IBA being dried up by use of natural ageing. Also stainless steel will be recovered. The metal sorting plant is to be established based on three separate lots/contracts (three different calls for tenders), one regarding the screens, one regarding the conveyor belts and one regarding the sorting machines.
This call for tenders regards the award of a contract of supply and installation of sorting machines which will form part of the metal sorting plant.
Scope of supply
1.Supply of 6 set of eddy current machines (6 lines), a total of 11 eddy current machines including equipment for sorting of ferrous material.
2. Supply of 3 inductor sensor machines (3 lines).
3. Supply of steel structures for all 9 units of sorting machines.
4. Transportation of sorting machines and steel structures to Afatek site in Copenhagen.
5. Installation of the machines on Afatek site in Copenhagen.
6. Detailed project, installation, commissioning, performance test.
The supplier of the sorting machines shall deliver complete units of sorting machines with steel structures, carry out a detailed project including a mounting plan, deliver the equipment on the site in Copenhagen, carry out the mounting work and participate in test run of the plant. During the detailed projection of the metal sorting machines supply and the total project, adjustments of the supply of the metal sorting machines takes place, i.e. re height of the steel structures.
The budget for this contract is approx. EUR 2 500 000.
Further information is made available in the tender documents at under ‘Supply of Supply of Sorting Machines for the Afatek Metal Sorting Plant’.
Coordination with other suppliers:
As the supply is part of a metal sorting plant consisting of also screens and conveyor belts, attention shall be given to the tender material of these supplies (Supply of Screens and Supply of Conveyors) that can also be found on the web-page mentioned above.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-02-09. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-12-15.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2014-12-15 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-05-07 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter