SKV40 wood chips — MV switchgear

DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S

Dong Energy Thermal Power is planning to implement district heating production based on biofuels through erection of two wood-chip boilers, providing steam for existing steam turbine and/or stand alone district heating condenser. 2 boilers as an add-on the existing gas fired plant, Skærbækverket. The new biomass fired boilers shall deliver up to 320 MW heat to the district heating system. The new boiler plant shall have a capacity of maximum 280 MW and the remaining heat shall be provided by flue gas condensers.
Medium voltage switchgear
It is DONG Energy Thermal Power's intention to enter into a contract for the engineering, delivery, transport, installation, commissioning and performance responsibility for medium voltage switchgear based on Functional Specifications. DONG Energy Thermal Power will elaborate technical and functional requirements to be included in the Tender material and also set up requirements for guarantees and performance.
New medium voltage switchgear are envisaged to be used for the add-on plant, destined users are transformers and other medium voltage loads, such as cranes and variable speed drives.
The switchgear equipment will be feed from existing medium voltage distribution on site. The final design of the medium voltage distribution is not set. Alternative solutions regarding the interface of the existing medium voltage distribution net are investigated, complement of existing equipment and/or installing new.
DONG Energy Thermal Power envisages prospective layout of medium voltage switchgear, existing switchgear complemented:
— Feeder >1250A (1 pcs);
— Feeder 630A (1 pcs);
Prospective layout of medium voltage switchgear, add-on plant new switchgear:
— Incomer >1250A (1 pcs);
— Incomer alternative 630A (1 pcs);
— Feeder, transformer 630A (6-8 pcs);
— Feeder, MV loads 630A (2-4 pcs);
The following values are valid for the MV grid:
— Rated Medium Voltage 3-phase, 50 Hz 12,0 kV;
— Operating Medium Voltage 3-phase, 50 Hz 10.5 kV;
— Nominal Medium Voltage 3-phase, 50 Hz 10,0 kV;
— Standard lightning Impulse withstand voltage 75 kV peak;
— Standard short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage 28 kV rms;
— Short circuit current > 20 kA.
Electrical operating rooms will be arranged with measures to control the environment and switchgear rooms will be fitted with installation floor.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-10-10. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-09-12.

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Dato Dokument
2014-09-12 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-06-23 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter