SKV Wood Chips — HP and LP steam piping, internal district heating system and service systems

DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S

Background: DONG Energy Thermal Power is building a new district heating production plant (SKV Wood Chips) based on 2 wood-chip boilers, providing steam for existing steam turbine and/or stand alone bypass heat exchanger. The 2 boilers are envisaged as an add-on to the existing gas fired plant, Skærbækværket. The new biomass fired boilers shall deliver up to 320 MW heat to the district heating system. It is envisaged that the new boiler plant shall have a capacity of maximum 280 MW and the remaining 40 MW will be provided by flue gas condensers.
The contract: The new plant requires modifications in the HP [and LP?] steam system, district heating system and service systems being the scope of the contract tendered for.
Below you find a first draft of the technical specifications for the scope of the contract based on our current knowledge. The exact and complete technical specifications are contained in the tender documents being distributed to the prequalified tenderers. Thus, the technical conditions currently being elaborated may result in deviations compared to the descriptions in the following.
HP steam piping:
The modifications in the HP steam system can be divided into the following subparts:
— New HP steam piping on pipe bridge between SKV40, block 2 and SKV3;
— New HP steam piping in block 2;
— Modifications of HP steam piping and district heating piping in block 3.
Re Pipe bridge:
To connect the HP steam header in the new bio boiler building with the existing steam turbine in block3 and a new bypass heat exchanger in block 2 a new HP steam pipe (approx. DN350) has to be built. The steam pipe will be led from the bio boilers via a new pipe bridge to block 2 and further on to block 3. Design steam data for the HP steam pipe from the new wood chips boilers is 547°C / 100bar(g). Pipe material is expected to be X10CrMoVNb9-1. Estimated length of HP steam pipe DN350 between SKV40 and block 3 is approx. 220 m.
Re HP steam piping in block 2
In Block 2, there are connections to the bypass reducing station (expected DN350) and to the LP reducing station (expected DN100). Design steam data for the HP steam pipe in block2 is 547°C / 100bar(g). Pipe material used is expected to be X10CrMoVNb9-1. The estimated length of HP steam piping in block 2 is approx. 30 m DN350 and approx. 25 m DN100.
Re Modifications in block 3
The HP steam pipe enters block 3 at a height of around K34 where it connects to the two hot reheat 1 pipes from the existing boiler. Inside the boiler house, a shut-off valve is installed. After the shut-off valve, the steam pipe is divided into two separate pipes (expected DN400) supplied with control valves before connecting to the hot reheat 1 pipes. The connection to the existing system require approximately 40m of DN400 piping (expected X10CrMoVNb9-1).
The existing HP steam piping in block 3 will be rebuilt with the following modifications.
Modification: Shut off valves DN 400 with bypass will be installed in the Hot reheat 1 pipes from reheater 1.
Comment: Design data: 580°C / 100bar(g). Pipe material: expected X10CrMoVNb9-1.
Modification: Shut off valves DN 700 with bypass will be installed on the floor level in the cold reheat 2 pipes to reheater 2. The cold reheat 2 pipes will be cut and routed down to floor level.
Comment: Design data: 410°C / 32bar(g). Pipe material: expected 15MO3. Pipe length: approx. 60 m.
Modification: Shut off valves DN 700 with bypass will be installed on the floor level in the hot reheat 2 pipes from reheater 2. The hot reheat 2 pipes will be cut and routed down to floor level.
Comment: Design data: 580°C / 30bar(g). Pipe material: expected X10CrMoVNb9-1. Pipe length: approx. 60 m.
Modification: A new bypass DN700 between cold reheat 2 and hot reheat 2 will be routed on floor level.
Comment: Design data: 580°C / 32bar(g).Pipe material: expected X10CrMoVNb9-1. Pipe length: approx. 20 m.
Modification: HP steam drains and preheating piping.
Comment: Various. Pipe material: expected X10CrMoVNb9-1 and/or 13CrMo44.
The modifications in block 3 require new platforms to enable maintenance of the new valves and instruments.
Re District heating
The district heating system will be modified connecting the new flue gas condensers and the turbine bypass heat exchanger to the existing system.
The following main piping will be required:
— A district heating pipe from the main return pipe just outside Block 2 to the flue gas condensers (expected DN800);
— Pipe connection between the flue gas condenser and the bypass heat exchanger (DN800);
— District heating pipe from the bypass heat exchanger to the main supply pipe just outside Block 2 (expected DN800);
— A district heating pipe from the flue gas condenser, via a new pipe trench to Block 3, with a connection to the turbine heat exchangers district heating heat exchanger 10 and 20. (expected DN800).
The estimated total pipe length is approx. 250 m.
The district heating system has the following design data:
Design pressure, PS =22,0 barg (PN25)
Calculation temp return, TS =135°C
Calculation temp supply, TS =160°C
Designtemp. (max. optemp) =120°C
Re Service Systems
The following service systems (LP) will be established or extended as part of the scope:
— Aux steam system;
— Condensate system;
— Condensate drain system;
— Make up water;
— Injection water system;
— Process Cooling water system;
— Gas to start burners;
— Instrument air;
— Working air;
— Acid quench water;
— Fire and flushing water system;
— Blow down water from boilers to flue gas condensing units;
— Other minor systems.
The Works in general:
The erection is expected to start in October 2015 and the works will include the following main items, which will be further detailed in DONG technical specifications:
— Project management;
— Purchase and delivery of pipe material incl. primary and secondary steel;
— Purchase, delivery and erection of valves;
— Erection of piping incl. primary and secondary steel;
— Purchase, delivery and erection of Insulation;
— Platforms and steel structure;
— Installation of pumps and other equipment;
— Scaffolding and lifting;
— NDT;
— CE Marking.
Excluded from the WORK are:
— Temporary openings in the facade;
— Electrical installations;
— Instrumentation (transmitters).

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-01-14. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-12-18.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2014-12-18 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-09-22 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter