SKV Wood Chips - 3rd party verification and inspection

DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S

BACKGROUND: DONG Energy Thermal Power is building a new district heating production plant (SKV Wood Chips) based on two wood-chip boilers, providing steam for existing steam turbine and/or stand alone bypass heat exchanger.
The two boilers are envisaged as an add-on to the existing gas fired plant, Skærbækværket. The new biomass fired boilers shall deliver up to 320 MW heat to the district heating system. It is envisaged that the new boiler plant shall have a capacity of maximum 280 MW and the remaining 40 MW will be provided by flue gas condensers.
THE CONTRACT: The Candidate shall apply all applicable directives,standards and regulations that is necessary for CE-marking and the overall QA of the new equipment on Skærbækværket. The Candidate shall apply all directives which are necessary for implementation of Employer as the Manufacturer in relation to CE marking for the complete plant consisting of the following lots:
* Boiler
* Flue gas condenser
* Bag house filter
* Fuel conveyor system
* Ship unloader
* Electrical systems
* Control and monitoring system
* Civil works
* and the following lots concerning balance of plant
— Bypass heat exchanger
— Feed water tank
— HP and LP piping incl. valves
— Pumps
Re. CE-Marking: For PED, Pressure Equipment Directive, and other directives for pressure equipment (Notice no. 99, 100 and others) the description of interfaces for risk assessments as well as assembly and not assembly - CE-marked "Enhed"(="Unit") and not CE-marked "Enhed"(="Unit") - is important. The Candidate shall assist Employer in reviewing the contracts for the individual lots with respect to CE-marking and identifiy and challenge the limits and interfaces stated by the Contractors and if required participate in risk analysis according to ALARP principles.
A program for CE-marking of the different lots will be presented by each of the Contractors responsible for the lot. The program shall include the P&ID, applicable check lists, risk assessment (HAZOP, What if, FMEA etc.) and other necessary documents. Participation in coordinated risk assessment for above lots and balance of plant is included in the Candidates scope of work.
Re. notified body: The Candidate shall review the work of the Contractors appointed notified body and use of the appropriated choice of directives when controlling Employers plant.
Re. QA: Supporting documentation appropriate for actual installations in the plant and inspection program, also for periodic inspections is included in the Candidates scope of work. Documentation shall be reviewed and described and presented as well as systems for Manufacturers data book, KKS numbering system, name plates and tagging, etc.
Re. witnessing by the Employer: The Candidate shall, based on the different Contractors Quality Inspection Plans, witness that all relevant procedures and methods are fullfilled according to Employers QA requirements. The Candidate shall assist Employer in review of inspection steps.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-01-19. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-12-22.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2014-12-22 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-01-16 Supplerende oplysninger
2015-08-14 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter