Pyrotechnic — Visual Life-Saving Appliances plus Signals, Mini Flares and Poly Bottles

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)

The Framework Agreement regards the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) acquisition of pyrotechnic consisting of visual life-saving appliances plus signals, mini flares and poly bottles (hereinafter merely referred to as ‘LSA’) her for the entire Royal Danish Navy including the National Home Guard naval division.
The purpose of the acquisition is to secure the operation of the Danish fleet and to maintain a constant access and availability of LSA in line with i.a. the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS) and the Life-Saving Appliance Code.
The products requested from the Supplier can be divided into two categories (Group A and B):
Group A: The visual life-saving appliances described in SOLAS/the LSA Code:
— Rocket parachute flare (colour red);
— Hand flares (colour red);
— Buoyant smoke signals;
— Man overboard buoy;
— Self-contained line-throwing unit.
Group B: Signals, mini flares and poly bottles;
— Mini flares, signal cartridge, 16 mm (colour white);
— Mini flares, signal cartridge, 16 mm (colour red);
— Mini flares, signal cartridge, 16 mm (colour green);
— Mini flares, signal cartridge, 26.5 mm (colour white with a bang);
— Mini flares, signal cartridge, 26.5 mm (colour white without a bang);
— Mini flares, signal cartridge, 26.5 mm (colour green);
— Mini flares, signal cartridge, 26.5 mm (colour red);
— Waterproof poly bottles for storage;
— Signal, Distress, Day and Night;
— Handheld Parachute illumination rocket, (colour white);
— Hand flare (colour white);
DALO shall not be obliged to buy any minimum quantity of the Deliverables.
However, DALO is obliged to make an initial purchase (The Initial Lot) of both Group A and Group B equipment in accordance with section 4.2 in the Framework Agreement (the Contract).
Subsequently DALO expects to order one collective lot including both Group A and Group B equipment once a year approx. in September/October (The Main Lot).
The quantity of the initial purchase (The Initial Lot) and following expected Main Lots is specified in section 4.2 in the Contract (draft) and in the Requirements Specification (Appendix A.1 to the Contract). Attention is drawn to that delivery of The Initial Lot must be within 60 days after the contract has been signed (the latest signing).

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-11-25. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-10-10.




Dato Dokument
2014-10-10 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-10-20 Supplerende oplysninger
2014-12-05 Supplerende oplysninger