Programme Monitoring and Results Measurement Coordinator, UNNATI Inclusive Growth Programme, Nepal
The Governments of Nepal and Denmark have agreed to implement an Inclusive Growth Programme (UNNATI). The programme will be implemented at national level, but focus on seven districts in the Eastern Development Region (EDR). The programme focuses on support to the private sector, and to local government through DoLIDAR and the DDCs in the seven programme districts. The strategic focus of the programme is on private sector development in compliance with Danida's strategy for support to growth and employment. The overall objective of the programme is 'Promotion of sustainable inclusive growth that reduces poverty and raises living standards'.
The monitoring and results measurement system for UNNATI has been developed both to facilitate credible reporting of results to stakeholders and to foster learning that feeds into the improvement of programme strategies and implementation. UNNATI is a new type of programme for the Embassy of Denmark in Nepal (EoD). In addition, it is operating in a complex and dynamic political, economic and social context. Thus, it is important that UNNATI has an effective and practical monitoring and results measurement system that regularly channels information on results into programme decision-making.
Some programme activities may not lead to the expected results. At the same time, some activities may lead to results that exceed expectations. The programme monitoring system must highlight when activities are not leading to expected results and why, as well as when activities are exceeding expectations and why. This information will help managers in implementing partners, the Management and Coordination Committee and the EoD to adjust activities, strategies and portfolios to maximize long-term results from the programme. In addition, credible information on results will help EoD and Danida assess value for money from the programme and feed lessons learned into other programmes. Thus, the monitoring and results measurement system will not only measure results, but will also contribute to quality assurance and results-based management.
The UNNATI monitoring and results measurement system will comply with the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development Standard for Measuring Achievements in Private Sector Development (DCED RM Standard). The DCED RM Standard is based on existing good practice and outlines the minimum components of a credible and useful, internal, monitoring and results measurement system. It provides a framework that will help to ensure that UNNATI's results measurement system is sufficiently robust both for accountability and for management.
Requirements of Candidates applying for PQ:
— Experience with design and management of Monitoring and Results Measurement of private sector and economic growth programmes in developing countries. Experience with DCED RM standard is preferred.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-02-25.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-01-27.
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