Production and delivery of new Danish health insurance cards

Danske regioner

The public travel medical insurance covers Danish citizens vacationing within the EU/EEA. The Danish Health Insurance Act (sundhedsloven) has been amended whereby the public travel medical insurance is cancelled effective from 1.8.2014.
Information about the public travel medical insurance is stated at the back of the national health insurance card as well as at the back of the special health insurance card. The amendment means that new national health insurance cards and new special health insurance cards has to be issued and that the replacement will have to take place in the course of the month of July 2014.
The purchase of the health insurance card is handled by Danske Regioner (an interest or-ganisation for the five regions in Denmark). Danske Regioner is assisted in this process by Amgros I/S (a partnership owned by the regions which consolidates the purchases of the regions).
The production and delivery regards the following:
1. The National Health Insurance Card
All citizens with permanent residence in Denmark are covered under the public health insurance sheme. As documentation of the right to benefits under the scheme, the Insured must produce a Health Insurance Card when contacting the health care system. The amendment means that new National Health Insurance cards has to be issued to all citizens in Denmark, i.e. approx 5.6 million persons, and that the replacement will take place in the course of the month of July 2014.
2. The Special Health Insurance Card
The Special Health Insurance Card serves as documentation that persons, despite having no permanent address in Denmark - are entitled to benefits under the Danish Health Act while staying in Denmark on the same terms as people residing in Denmark. The amendment means that new special health insurance cards has to be issued to the existing holders of the cards, i.e. approx 32 000 persons, and that the replacement will take place in the course of the month of July 2014.
The supplier will be provided with data and shall thereafter be responsible for the production, enveloping, stamping and delivery of cards to the citizens of Denmark. The supplier shall deliver the cards as general contractor and shall in this capacity be responsible for taking all such action and meet such obligations as are necessary for the delivery.
Production and delivery of the card is very important to the Danish society. It is therefore of vital interest to Danske Regioner to ensure that the production and delivery of the cards is professional, efficient and reliable and that delivery will take place during the month of July 2014.
The contract is divided into two lots, cf. clause II.1.8) and annex B. The tenderer can submit a tender for lot no. 1 or lot no. 2 or a tender regarding both lots. The contracting authority has a preference for entering a contract with one supplier, i.e. one contract regarding both lots. For further information reference is made to the tender specifications.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-03-20. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-02-07.

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Dato Dokument
2014-02-07 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-03-04 Supplerende oplysninger
2014-05-21 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter