Prequalification for Compressor Units for Injection of Upgraded Biogas into the Danish Natural Gas Transmission Network

The Danish state owned gas transmission company is going to receive upgraded biogas from a number of new biogas plants in Denmark during the coming years. The upgraded biogas will either come directly from the biogas plants at a pressure of 4-10 bar or from the natural gas distribution system at a pressure of 19 to 40 bar. The injection pressure is 80 bar. The flow rates will be in the range from 500 to 6 000 Nm³/h. In order to meet this demand wishes to enter a non-exclusive frame agreement with two suppliers. The scope of supply encompasses skid-mounted oil free reciprocating compressor installations including housing, piping, valves, instrumentation, wiring, controls, VSD's, low noise gas coolers on a turnkey basis. As an option fiscal gas metering and gas analyzers can also be part of the supply. The evaluation criteria will be total ownership cost (TOC) i.e. price, service, spare parts, power consumption, leak rate, etc. but also references and noise level will come into consideration.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-06-20. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-06-04.




Dato Dokument
2014-06-04 Udbudsbekendtgørelse