PPP project for the construction of new waste, rainwater and wastewater facilities at Glostrup Hospital
Glostrup Hospital calls for tenders for a public-private partnership (PPP) regarding the construction of new facilities for handling and treating waste, rainwater and wastewater at Glostrup Hospital. With the construction of new facilities for rain water, wastewater and waste management Glostrup Hospital wishes to increase utilisation of resources which are today considered waste and wastewater. The facilities are to ensure a financially sustainable future operation of the hospital. The design, construction and operation of the new facilities are intended to be left with a PPP company.
A new wastewater treatment plant must be constructed. The new wastewater treatment plant must comply with the future more rigorous requirements for discharge of wastewater. This means that the wastewater must be treated to remove medicine residues and other substances so as to prevent that the wastewater impacts negatively on the environment. The treated wastewater must be of a quality which allows discharge to a public recipient and reuse in the hospital's softening plant so as to reduce the consumption of water from public supplies. The water softening plant uses approx. 12 000 m³ per year. At present, a licence for reuse of cleaned (treated) wastewater has not yet been obtained, but Glostrup Hospital bears the risk that such licence can be obtained. The wastewater treatment plant must have a capacity of approx. 830 000 m³ per year. The precise capacity requirements are stated in the tender material.
Rainwater and wastewater must be separated. As part of this work, a retention basin must be constructed. The construction of an infiltration well is furthermore included as an option. At present, a licence for infiltration of rainwater has not yet been obtained. Glostrup Hospital bears the risk that such licence can be obtained.
The waste management of the hospital is to be optimised. The supplier is to undertake the management of the hospital's general waste and food waste and, over time, the supplier is to manage hazardous clinical waste (included as an option). The waste transportation from the hospital wards is to take place mechanically. If financially viable, a fraction of the waste may be used for energy production in a local plant and may thereby contribute to the running of the wastewater treatment plant. In recent years, the hospital has produced approx. 700 000 kg of general waste and food waste per year.
The solution offered must cover the entire existing hospital and Psykiatrisk Center Glostrup (approx. 135 000 m²). In addition to this must be added, as a minimum, the extensions already decided on, i.e. a headache center (approx. 2 200 m²) and a planned construction for neurological patients (approx. 25 000 m²).
The precise description of the task is set out in Appendix 1 of the tender documents.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-05-04.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-12-16.
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