Personal Transport Containers (PSNTPCON)
Through purchase under a framework agreement the Danish Defence Aquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase Personal Transport Containers (PSNTPCON) including associated training, service and documentation. The PSNTPCON will be used for transport of soldiers and their personal equipment. The main user scenario is transport of soldiers from military barracks to shooting ranges and training grounds in local areas inside Denmark. The transport time is planned to be maximum 2 hours, but in some cases even longer. The PSNTPCON may be used in international operations Worldwide, in safe areas, where there is no risk of shooting, mines or similar. An example of international use is transport of soldiers from camp areas to flightlines. The PSNTPCON can be deployed all over the world, which means different and harsh climatic conditions. The requirements of the physical aspect, construction of the containers and interior are therefore high. Transportation of containers is performed by air, sea and land. Overland transport may imply rough terrain. The logistic concept for the Danish Defence is mainly based on a CSC approved 20ft standard ISO container 1CC. The PSNTPCON must be equipped and manufactured implementing the requirements and wishes from the end-users as stated in a specification. The PSNTPCON shall be equipped and manufactured implementing the best technical solutions in a economical advantageous way. It is preferred that the PSNTPCON is based on an off-the-shelf container. The PSNTPCON shall be able to be transported on all trucks in the Danish Defence, equipped with container lock's. The framework agreement shall include service and training (maintenance, modifications, minor changes and training of personnel) on an hourly rate (depending on the service in question) from the supplier. Likewise, DALO must have the possibility to acquire relevant spare parts needed for keeping the PSNTPCON in a workable condition.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-04-09.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-03-06.
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