M-01 Mill-, Burner- and PA-systems

DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S

The scope of work is related to DONG Energy's conversion of Avedøre Power Station, unit 1, from coal firing to 100 % wood pellets operation, while maintaining the present option of using coal.
The present tender covers modification of mill and burner system, primary air system and installation of water soot blower.
The modification of the mill and burner systems includes:
— Modification of existing coal mills, including installation of explosion suppression system.
— Necessary modifications to existing fuel transportation system between mills and burners.
— Installation of rotary valves between the feeders and the mills.
— Modifications of existing burners.
— Installation of new furnace water soot blowing system.
The modification of the primary air system, cover modifications or replacement of components and/or installation of new components includes:
— Design evaluation of PA fan and silencer as well as upgrade or replacement if required to allow for coal and wood pellets operation.
— Design evaluation of primary air ducts and ducts components modification or replacement if required for coal and wood pellets operation.
— Design and installation of a primary air cooler and air ducting to the mill/burner system.
— Installation of a pressure relief duct at the primary air fan.
Operation and safety analysis and authority approval
— All system shall be designed environmentally correct and with due consideration for health and safety. It will be the suppliers responsible to perform a risk assessment as well as documenting safe design of all systems in order meet all mandatory regulations, such as but not limited to CE, ATEX, pressure directive, firer regulation and subsequently reach all mandatory approvals.
The contract will be for engineering, procurement/manufacturing/upgrading, construction and commissioning of all needed equipment, for the proper conversion of the plant, to also operate on wood pellets. The scope will include, but not limited to, rotary valves, mills, burners, primary air system, water soot blowers, motors, actuators and instrumentation.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-12-10. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-11-14.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2014-11-14 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-06-23 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter