Leasing of 2 multi-engine aircraft for the Danish Air Force Home Guard (in Danish: 'Flyverhjemmeværnet')

Danish Air Force Home Guard (DAFGH)

The Danish Air Force Home Guard (in Danish: 'Flyverhjemmeværnet') seeks to lease 2 multi-engine piston aircraft for a 5 year period with delivery between 1 September - 30.12.2014. DAFHG will have the option to extend the lease for a further 2 years.
The aircraft are intended to be used in primarily non-military operations, including surveillance, inspection, reconnaissance and light transport. The aircraft must be in compliance with all relevant safety regulations and with current and future Instrument Flying Rules. In the basic configuration without mission equipment the aircraft should be equipped with minimum six seats. The aircraft must be certified to be operated by 1 pilot and must have a size that in addition to two front seats accommodates necessary mission equipment as well as the Mission System Operator. When configured with sensor equipment the aircraft should have as many seats as possible available for passengers. All aircraft must have identical paint scheme which will be defined by The Danish Air Force Home Guard prior to the commencement of the contract. The aircraft must be equipped with an integrated navigation system that includes (continually updated) road and city maps covering Danish territory. Furthermore, the aircraft must be able to take off and land on grass runways.
The aircraft must be equipped with up-to-date Daylight and IR sensor (TV/FLIR) and must enable both onboard assessment and live image streaming to a ground station.
The maximum takeoff weight of each aircraft must not exceed 5,700 kg. The aircraft must have a range and endurance allowing 100 nm to and from the mission area, total 200 nm (65 % BHP, alt. 8000') and at least 2 hours of operation in the mission area (best endurance power setting, alt. 1000'), while having enough fuel to comply with EASA's requirements regarding fuel reserves and carrying a payload of 400 kg (crew and equipment). Both aircraft shall be of the same type.
The lessor shall submit relevant documentation which shall be kept updated throughout the lease. The lessor shall perform all maintenance of the aircraft during the lease, including scheduled as well as unscheduled maintenance. The lessor shall not supply fuel.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-03-03. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-01-29.




Dato Dokument
2014-01-29 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-02-05 Supplerende oplysninger
2014-03-19 Supplerende oplysninger