Horns Rev 3 export cable — UXO survey


Energinet.dk hereby invites potential contractors to prequalify for a UXO survey to be carried out in 2015.
The Danish TSO Energinet.dk is preparing the installation of a 33 km export cable from the planned off-shore wind farm Horns Rev 3. The cable extends from the planned transformer station to the West coast of Jutland, Denmark. The cable route traverses areas with varying risk of encountering UXO and it has thus been decided that a multipurpose UXO survey shall be performed to meticulously investigate the installation corridor and quantify the UXO risk.
With respect to survey methodologies the installation corridor can be divided into the following zones:
1. Offshore section with a sporadic risk of encountering British air-delivered sea mines, jettisoned aerial bombs, anchored sea mines that have lost the anchor and sunk, UXO from a target practice area,
2. Offshore section with the same risk as above plus the risk of encountering German aluminum ground mines presumed to be laid in a mine field crossed by the installation corridor,
3. Near shore section extending across a zone extending 1 nm from the coast where there is an elevated risk of encountering antiinvasion mines.
As can be seen from the description there will be two main challenges to the survey: transition zone survey all the way to the coast and search for aluminum mines with a very low ferrous content. It shall be noted that substantial material transport takes place in this area and it is likely that UXO objects may have become buried into the sands.
Energinet.dk would like to encourage the use of innovative methods to facilitate a fast and efficient conduct of surveys. Energinet.dk would also like to encourage the selection of suitable survey vessels to minimize the occurrence of weather stand-by.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-01-13. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-12-29.

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Dato Dokument
2014-12-29 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-06-08 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter