Helicopter Transport Services in the German Bight

DONG Energy Wind Power A/S

Supply of helicopter transport services for transport of personnel between Norden airfield (alternatively another suitable airfield in the area) and the offshore wind farms of DONG Energy in the German Bight, including but not limited to Gode Wind 01 and Gode Wind 02, with an option for Borkum Riffgrund I and possibly Borkum Riffgrund II, during the installation of the wind-turbines and during the operation and maintenance phase.
The scope of the contract will include landings on the offshore substations (helidecks), vessels (helidecks) and offshore/hoisting operations on offshore substations, wind-turbines (heli-hoist platforms/foundations/transition pieces) and possibly vessels.
The contract will include the provision of one dedicated helicopter for heli-hoist operations and the following options:
— Additional helicopter (s) for heli-hoist operations (dedicated or ad hoc requirement),
— Additional helicopter for transport up to 9 PAX (ad hoc requirement),
— Additional helicopter for transport up to 19 PAX (ad hoc requirement).

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-07-11. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-06-24.

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2014-06-24 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-08-12 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter