Gallauniforms, Caps, Embroidered, weaved, felt articles, Medals, Trimmings & Repair of Gallauniforms
Galla- andformal uniforms, trimmings and headwear/caps are used in the entireDanish Army for ceremonial purposes. Gold embroidered, embroidered, weaved andfelt articles are mainly insignias and company badges. In general are allproducts used outside in all types of weather and therefore needs to beresistant to these circumstances.
This contractis divided into 6 (six) seperate agreements, each can be bid on individually. A shortdescription of each seperate agreement and content are described below:
Gold embroidered, embroidered, weaved and feltarticles:
Insigniasboth for daily and formal wear, felt pas are used underneath metal objects on uniformjackets and berets. A sample of a gold embroidered, an embroidered and a weaved article will be requested for evaluation of bidders offer.
All medalsare of high quality silver, some are engraved and/or gilded. All includes amoiré ribbon and are delivered in a box. A sample of a medal will be requested for evaluation of bidders offer. DALO offers production tools when entering the agreement.
Galla- and formal uniforms:
The Royal Guard Hussars and The Royal Guard are the main users of the Galla uniform. This agreement also contains formalwear and more. The fabric for the Galla uniform is high quality wool with on-sewntrimmings in gold, silver or wool. A sample jacket will be requested for evaluation of bidders offer. DALO supplies essential materials for this sample.
Trimmings (for Galla):
Trimmingsare of metallic and wool material. These are either stitched onto the Galla uniformor are an accessory to the Galla uniform. Samples of both wool and metalic trimmings will be requested for evaluation of bidders offer.
Repair of Galla uniforms:
Repair workcan be shortening a sleeve or a leg, reducing back width on a jacket or similar repair work. A repair of a jacket will be requested for evaluation of bidders offer. DALO will supply a jacket for this purpose.
Formal headwear and caps:
Headwear includes berets, Galla headwear and caps. The primary fabric used for Galla and berets is of a high wool quality. Some caps have embroidered Shades and changeable Crown. Samples of a beret, a formal cap and a few standard caps will be requested for evaluation of bidders offer.
All communication with the buyer must pass through the communication link in the Mercell Sourcing System.
In order to acquire further information of the inquiry please press the button above “Express your interest”. After the buyer has accepted you as a possible supplier, you will receive an email and using your login codes, you can send in your offer via a link on your personal part of our homepage.
Bidders are encouraged to pose questions to the tender documents as soon as possible. Questions posted before 08.08.2014 will be answered at least 6 calendar days before deadline. Questions posed after this time will be answered if possible at least 6 days before deadline. Questions must be written on the tab “Communication”. Answers will be posted on the tab “Communication” – subtab “Extra info” (This tab is only visible after the buyer has posted the first answers)
All documents must be uploaded in the Mercell Portal before deadline. There is no cost associated with the bidding.
3 days prior to deadline, you will receive a warning on your mail. Questions concerning the system should be mailed to or you may call +45 63133700.
Offers or requests for qualification received in any other way than through Mercell will not be considered.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-08-15.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-07-11.
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