Framework Agreement 16.08 Air Journeys
National Procurement Ltd. Denmark (Staten og Kommunernes Indkøbs Service A/S, herinafter “SKI”) is putting Framework Agreement 16.08 Air Journeys up for tender.
The Framework Agreement may be used by public organizations and institutions, which are subscribers at SKI (SKI-Customers) at the time of publication of this contract notice in Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union.
SKI's Customers are divided into the following segments:
— Ministries,
— Municipalities,
— Regions,
— Self-governing institutions financed by the State,
— Utility Undertakings,
— Other customers.
The segment "Other customers" includes public law bodies such as institutions, organizations, and associations not covered by the other segments but covered by the Procurement Directive article 1(9).
A Customer has the right to use SKI's Framework Agreements if (i) the Customer has declared to the Supplier that the Customer were a SKI Customer at the time of publication of the contract notice for the Framework Agreement and (ii) that the identity of the Customer appears in SKI's Customer database.
When a Customer addresses a Supplier for the first time, the Supplier is obliged to ask the Customer to state the Customer's EAN number in order for the Supplier to register the Customer with correct Customer data.
SKI's Customer list can be obtained by contacting SKI's Customer Service on +45 33427000
The Framework Agreement includes 500 routes, which have not been divided into partial agreements but in four categories:
— Domestic routes in Denmark, Norway, United Kingdom and Germany,
— Nordic routes,
— European routes,
— Intercontinental routes.
SKI is expecting to conclude a Framework Agreement with three economic operators per route based on the award criterion ”the lowest price”. The Customer's subsequent use of the Framework Agreement will be based on direct award to the Supplier who has offered the lowest price.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-09-29.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-08-12.
United Kingdom
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