Evaluation of Capacity Development in Danish development assistance

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida

Denmark, Norway and Sweden have decided to apply a joint evaluation approach to evaluate results and lessons learned of capacity development (CD) within development assistance in the three countries. This contract relates to the evaluation of the Danish development assistance, and will form part of a cluster of three Nordic evaluations with similar objectives, focus and scope. To enable findings across the three evaluations, a shared overall approach and methodology will be applied.
Capacity Development is an integral part of Danish development assistance and the Paris Declaration stresses the fundamental importance of capacity development for sustainable development. Results-focused CD is therefore in line with the Danish strategy for Development Cooperation: The Right to a Better Life from 2012.
Although CD is perhaps the most central feature of aid, the understanding of CD and how to enable CD is nevertheless contested and often understood implicitly in programmes and interventions. The drivers for change are not always defined from the outset of an intervention, and key contextual factors that shape CD are often overlooked in the design and implementation phases.
The evaluation will focus on interventions that have an explicit intention to support CD, and include sector/country programmes in Denmark's priority countries. A number of cases will be chosen for in-depth analysis in the evaluation.
The evaluation has both a learning and an accountability focus and will answer the following overall questions:
— What are the intended and unintended effects of CD interventions?
— Are some CD approaches/modalities more effective than others?
— Is Danida following its own policies and approaches to CD support?
— What should Danida do differently to enhance its CD support, if anything?
— Is the capacity of the agencies to deliver effective CD support sufficient?
The evaluation will focus on the public sector support that Denmark is providing, but will where relevant also include other CD interventions where public-private and civil society overlap.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-06-13. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-05-14.

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Dato Dokument
2014-05-14 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-09-24 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter