Equipment and Services for the delivery of Proton Beam Therapy at DNU, The New University Hospital in Aarhus

Central Denmark Region

The Central Denmark Region (the “Authority”) is developing a Danish national Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) service treating a complex case mix of pediatric and adult tumors, in total up to 1,200 patients per year. The establishment will be an integral part of the construction of DNU, the New University Hospital in Aarhus, and it is intended that the facility will have 3 rooms with gantries for clinical treatments and a dedicated research beamline. Further details on the planned facility and service can be obtained from the initial project proposal submitted by the Authority on September 30, 2012; the evaluation report by the Danish Health and Medicines Authority, November 19, 2012 and the Strategic Business Plan from Danish Ministry of Health and Prevention, July 4, 2013. See the relevant links listed in the prequalification material (Section VI.3) Additional information).
The procurement will be undertaken using the competitive dialogue procedure in accordance with the public contract regulations in directive NO. 2004/18/EC 31 March 2004. This procurement seeks to secure for the Authority, equipment and services for PBT. Potential bidders should note that site build requirements are excluded from this procurement and will be procured separately. However the Authority's requirements will be discussed with shortlisted bidders in greater detail during the competitive dialogue process, and the Authority reserves the right to evaluate the integration between the supply of PBT (which is the subject of this notice) and the construction works contract (to be separately procured) as part of this competitive dialogue process.
It is intended that the agreements will allow for long term development of proton therapy in Aarhus. Potential bidders should note the following high level needs for Danish proton beam therapy equipment and services:
— It shall be safe for patients, staff and the general public and shall be highly reliable.
— It shall deliver proton radiotherapy with the best possible quality of beam. The Authority intends to deliver PBT using only scanning beam technology including IMPT.
— The center should provide value for money as assessed by total lifetime costs.
— Ensure that services provided enable the continued development of the technologies involved and that workforce and training issues are appropriately addressed.
— One supplier which is able to provide a total system for proton therapy is requested.
In addition to the requirements listed above and in section II.2.1 the following requirements among others may be discussed with shortlisted bidders in greater detail during the competitive dialogue process: installation, time schedule, project execution, acceptance testing, quality assurance, warranties, spare parts, repairs, power consumption, clinical and technical functionality and specifications, patient workflow, ancillary equipment, third party integration, and may include design, building/engineering interface, documents and other associated needs.
Timeframe of delivery and installation, and length and terms of service agreements will be included as part of the competitive dialogue. Installation of proton therapy equipment is expected to start late 2016.
Expressions of interest are invited from suppliers with the appropriate capability to tender for an agreement
with the Authority for the provision of Proton Beam Therapy equipment and services. As part of the competitive dialogue stage of the procurement process, shortlisted bidders will be invited to propose equipment and services to deliver Proton Beam Therapy.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-04-29. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-03-20.

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Dato Dokument
2014-03-20 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-03-04 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter