Airborne Maritime Pollution Control

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)

The Danish Defence exercises the responsibilities of the government of Denmark concerning protection of the marine environment.
The overall purpose is to limit and combat pollution in the Danish waters — territorial sea and the Danish economic exclusive zone (as defined in the Danish act on Protection of the Marine Environment (in Danish: Havmiljøloven) section 5) to perform airborne maritime pollution control and to enforce the Danish act on Protection of the Marine Environment (in Danish: Havmiljøloven).
Further information about the characteristics of the airborne maritime pollution control can be obtained from the following sources:
— The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; UNCLOS;
— The Bonn-Agreement;
— The Helsinki Convention (HELCOM);
— The Copenhagen Agreement.
In the Danish Defence Agreement 2013-2017 it is agreed that the existing ship based pollution response capacity as well as the airborne maritime pollution control shall be made subject to competition for the purpose of establishing whether outsourcing overall would be beneficial to the Danish Defence.
The Danish Ministry of Defence therefore hereby puts airborne maritime pollution control out to tender.
The maritime pollution control is conducted by airborne area coverage of the Danish waters and this is supplemented by satellite based surveillance by European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
The provider of airborne maritime pollution control shall overfly areas within the Danish waters — territorial sea and the Danish economic exclusive zone (as defined in the Danish act on Protection of the Marine Environment section 5) two times weekly. The flights shall take place both at day time and at night time and under all weather conditions of common occurrence in the respective areas. Time of the flight and areas to be covered will be scheduled by The Danish Defence.
During the flights the Danish waters shall be monitored with the purpose of identifying prospective pollution. Monitoring shall be conducted by system operators operating and monitoring sensor equipment, which is capable of monitoring the water surface for oil spill etc. The sensor equipment must be made available by the provider.
During the flights the provider shall collect evidence of any observed pollution, hereunder by photo and other documentation and by means of air-drop of oil spill sampling buoys, with the purpose of for example giving the Danish Defence information to assess the measures to be taken in combating the pollution and providing evidence for further investigation and/or preliminary charges.
Specifically the provider shall provide the following for airborne maritime pollution control:
— aircraft;
— sensor equipment;
— air crew and system operators necessary for operating aircraft and sensor equipment.
The Danish Defence will provide the basic training in quantification of an identified oil spill in accordance with the Bonn Agreement Oil Appearance Code, but the provider must prior to commencement undertake extensive practical training of his air crew and system operators. The provider must ensure that the system operators are at all times duly qualified and trained to perform the task.
All personnel assigned shall be able to communicate lucidly in Scandinavian (Danish, Swedish or Norwegian) and English both oral and in writing. The provider and all personnel shall prior to commencement of provision of the services be subject to security clearance.
The provider shall be available for participation in multinational operations on behalf of The Danish Defence. The number of such operations is expected to be three per year and each exercise is expected to have a duration of around 10-30 effective flight hours. Participation in such operations is comparable to the flights as described above. The provider shall be available/stand by for the duration of these operations.
The provider shall commence the airborne maritime pollution control no later than 2 calendar years after commencement of the contract. The duration of the contract stated in section II.2.1) and II.3) below is calculated from award of the contract with a start up period of up to 2 years, where the provider makes all preparations required for Commencement of the Service and a 5 year performance period. Additionally, there is a renewal option of 2 times 1 year.
No employees from the Danish Defence shall be taken over by the provider in accordance with The Danish Transfer of Business Act (in Danish: lov om lønmodtageres retsstilling ved virksomhedsoverdragelse).
Prior to publishing the tender award, the Danish Defence will conduct an analysis of the costs associated with the airborne maritime pollution control if it in the future should be under the auspices of the Danish Defence. The purpose of this analysis is to be able to determine if airborne maritime pollution control shall continue to be conducted by the Danish Defence or by an external provider.
Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) reserves the right to cancel the tender Procedure if the analysis shows that it is more cost-effective not to outsource the airborne maritime pollution control.
DALO is conducting this tender procedure on behalf of The Danish Ministry of Defence.
A questionnaire for candidates applying for pre-qualification is available upon request from the contact point stated in I.1 above.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-12-15. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-11-10.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:


Dato Dokument
2014-11-10 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-04-30 Supplerende oplysninger
2015-12-01 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter