14/20808 Framework agreement delivery of MPLS-TP
Energinet.dk intends, as part of a project, to contract a framework agreement for the delivery of MPLS-TP, or similar technology for communication between data centers and high-voltage stations. The process is expected carried out as described in the initial schedule. General and technical information will be given to the prequalified end of August 2014, answering incoming questions will be issued in early September 2014 and submission of tenders, 12.9.2014 with the presentation of offers in late Sep-tember / early October 2014.
Thereafter, tenders will have the opportunity to submit an updated offer (BAFO) and Ener-ginet.dk will based on the submitted updated offers select the tenderer who is the most economically advantageous tender.
The framework agreement will run for 3 year with an option for extension for further 1 year.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-07-31.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2014-07-15.
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