Workstream coal handling for I/S Ensted Transithavn

I/S Ensted Transithavn

Handling of coal including unloading of ships, loading of barges, maintenance of equipment and supply of manpower at I/S Ensted Transithavn (ETH) in Aabenraa, Denmark. Coal handling is expected to start up in October 2013. If the tenderer is awarded the contract, the tenderer must expect to take over the staff in the assigned location in accordance with the rules in the Act on Employees' right in the event of Transfer of Undertakings, Act no. 710 of 20.8.2002. Any special conditions for the take over of the staff, including employment conditions, will be described in the tender conditions. The number of employees at the location is currently appx. 20 employees included 1 person at management level.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-04-22. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-03-25.




Dato Dokument
2013-03-25 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-07-05 Supplerende oplysninger
2013-12-06 Supplerende oplysninger