Supply of Radio Frequency Identification Hardware with ISO/IEC 18000-6 Air Interface
In the first half of 2013 Central Denmark Region – on behalf of all 5 Danish regions – has carried out a Design Contest concerning a software solution on it-support of automatic identification and traceability of items and people in hospitals. On the basis of the Design Contest and subsequent negotiations a framework agreement concerning a software solution on it-support of automatic identification and traceability of items and people in hospitals has been concluded. All 5 Danish regions are parties to the framework agreement. Concurrently with the conclusion of the framework agreement, a specific supply agreement has been entered into on the delivery of the mentioned software solution to DNU (the New University Hospital in Aarhus). The contracting authorities are under no obligation to enter into other supply agreements under the framework agreement but are entitled to do so.
In order to be able to implement the above mentioned software solution, it is necessary for Central Denmark Region (and other regions that may choose to purchase the software solution) to purchase certain hardware. This tender procedure concerns the supply of UHF Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Hardware for the above mentioned solution.
All five Danish regions will be parties to the framework agreement on the supply of UHF Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Hardware which will be a non-exclusive agreement. Concurrently with the conclusion of the framework agreement, a specific supply agreement will be entered into on the supply of the products to DNU. For more information on DNU, please follow this link:
To cover the needs of UHF RFID hardware within the diversity of a top-modern hospital, this tender is divided into 6 lots. This is to ensure that anything from consumables to high-value assets, persons, beds, medical equipment etc. is covered with regards to an UHF RFID based infrastructure.
The contract is divided into 6 lots:
1. UHF RFID-readers, medium performance (1 supplier will be awarded a framework agreement)
2. UHF RFID-readers, high performance (1 supplier will be awarded a framework agreement)
3. Antennas (1 supplier will be awarded a framework agreement)
4. Cables between RFID readers and Antennas (1 supplier will be awarded a framework agreement)
5. UHF Tags for blood bags (3 suppliers will be awarded a framework agreement)
6. UHF Tags (5 suppliers will be awarded a framework agreement)
In Annex B the contracting entity shall elaborate on the expected content of the above mentioned lots in order for applicants to be able to asses whether their products will be relevant to this tender. The final and more detailed specifications will be included in the tender documents that will be dispatched to the prequalified tenderers upon conclusion of the prequalification process.
It is expected that all applicable standards and regulations are applied for each of the above lots.
It should be noted that part of the technical specifications for the products of the tender will be based on the Technical Memorandum by DELTA, see Appendix 5 to the prequalification material. Therefore, the contracting entity requests that the applicants study the said memorandum closely in order to assess whether their products are relevant to the current tender.
The prequalification material is found on the following link:
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-10-17.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-09-16.
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