SKV Wood Chips - Conveyor and storage systems for fuel

DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S

It is DONG Energy Thermal Power's intention to enter into a contract for delivery of an external fuel system by engineering and manufacturing of an external fuel system (receiving, conveyors, fuel preparation/screening, storage), transport, erection, commissioning and performance responsibility, based on Functional specifications.
DONG Energy Thermal Power will elaborate technical and functional requirements to be included in the Invitation to Tender. DONG Energy Thermal Power will also set up requirements for guarantees and performance.
DONG Energy Thermal Power envisages the supply of an external fuel system with a storage capacity of up to 80.000 m3 of biofuel. Receiving capacity of the external fuel system is expected to be 2000-3000 m3/h. The supply capacity to boilers is expected to be 500-800 m3/h.
DONG Energy Thermal Power envisages the supply of an external fuel system including inter alia:
- Receiving hoppers;
- Pick up belt conveyor;
- Belt scale;
- Magnetic separation;
- Screen;
- Belt conveyors to storage;
- Fuel sampling;
- Automated chip reclaiming system from storage;
- Belt and chain conveyors from storage to boiler building;
- Chain conveyor for distribution to boiler day bins (2-4 day bins);
- Isolation dampers for redirection of fuel to day bins;
- Dust evacuation system for reloading points.
Excluded will inter alia be:
Civil works except for basic data and foundation bolts.
Auxiliary systems.
Cranes for ship unloading.
Day bins.
The scope of supply will be given in detail in the Invitation to Tender and the scope may deviate from the above listing.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-10-30. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-10-02.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2013-10-02 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-10-14 Supplerende oplysninger
2015-04-07 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter