Mejlflak Nearshore Wind Farm
Havvind Århus Bugt A/S ("HÅB") acting through its technical advisor COWI A/S are seeking main contractors that are interested in becoming pre-qualified for the subsequent tender of the turneky/EPCI contract for the Mejlflak Wind Farm in the Bay of Aarhus. COWI A/S has been employed by HÅB as owner's engineer and will as such make and receive all communication relating to prequalification and subsequent tendering. All communications hereunder shall be submitted to COWI A/S via e-mail to
The requested supply comprises the turnkey/EPCI delivery of a nearshore wind farm south of Mejlflak outside Århus in Denmark. The wind farm shall consist of up to 20 wind turbines each of 3-6 MW and maximum tip-height of 150m. Shortest distance to shore will be 4 km. Sea depth at site is 10-20 m. Soil conditions are strong till clay with 1-5m weak soil at sea bed – steel monopile and concrete gravity foundations are possible. Sea conditions are very calm compared to North Sea. Substation will be situated onshore and shall not make part of the tender. Power shall be delivered onshore at 33 kV or 66 kV. The wind farm is expected to consist of two separate groups of each 10 wind turbines. The project has received a preliminary EIA-approval allowing offshore construction works from September to April only.
Supplementary geotechnical investigations are under preparation and results will be provided with the invitation to tender. Optimisation of micrositing is ongoing. As a part of the invitation to tender, Employer will look for technology which demonstrates Cost-of-Energy improvements and has potential for support under the coming Danish call for nearshore wind farm research subsidies.
The foregoing technical information is preliminary and may be updated as project planning continues. The projected start and completion dates for the project are indicative only and are likely to change.
Interested parties must either be main contractors acting on behalf of itself and a team of subcontractors, or form consortia able to supply the complete turnkey/EPCI wind farm package. The tender will be functional and will request tenderers' ROI-optimising ideas for the wind farm supply to be delivered (such as ideas to avoid transmission losses in cables and similar).
The scope of the full one-package turnkey/EPCI wind farm supply will be specified in the invitation to tender, and will include but not be limited to the following:
a) Wind turbines with towers
b) Installation of wind turbines
d) Foundations
e) Design of foundations
f) Installation of foundations
g) Full geotechnical investigations
h) Design wind documentation and metocean condition documentation
i) Appurtenances to a minimum level decided by tenderer
j) Array-cabling including connection to wind turbines
k) Export-cabling from wind farm to shore up to 150 m on land including connections to land cables
l) Installation of cables at minimum 1 m depth
m) Fibre optical cabling, including installation and connection to wind turbines
n) All interfacing between wind turbines, foundations, cabling, SCADA etc.
o) Coordination of all works at site – including vessel and staff supervision
p) Testing and commisioning of wind farm
q) Up to 15-20 years Operation and Maintenance as options for the client – including crew vessels and onshore facilities. O&M scope will be described in the tender materials
r) Project certification according to currrent rules and regulations including those issued by the Danish Energy Agency and including wind turbine approval and foundation design verification
s) Grid code compliance and system integration
t) All interfacing between EPCI contractor and grid operator, authorities etc.
u) A description of decommissioning and removal procedures
Interested parties may upon request obtain a basic technical data package from the above contact point. Please note that all communications hereunder shall be submitted to COWI A/S via e-mail to
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-02-12.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-11-12.
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