LRT Signalling Solution — Aarhus Light Rail Transit System

Aarhus Letbane I/S

The Aarhus Light Rail Transit System (Aarhus LRT) will comprise a new light rail section to be constructed in the region of Aarhus. The Construction will include the interconnection between a new LRT line in Aarhus (12 km) and the existing Railways to the cities of Odder (South Bound) and Grenaa (North East bound).
The two existing railway lines from Odder to Aarhus (30 km) and from Aarhus to Grenaa (70 km) are currently equipped with an existing signalling system. Furthermore the railway from Aarhus to Grenaa is equipped with an Automatic Train Protection system (ATP). This current signalling system was produced and installed by Siemens (SICAS 5). In order to identify the most appropriate signalling solution for Aarhus LRT this parallel tendering process is announced. For this prequalification the LRT signalling system includes 2 parallel options as described in II.2.2.
This contract is expected to start in April 2014.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-12-02. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-10-17.




Dato Dokument
2013-10-17 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2014-07-03 Supplerende oplysninger