Framework agreement on Repair and Purchase of Travelling Wave Tube for SCANTER 4000/4100 Radars

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

Repir and purchase of travelling wave tube for SCANTER/4000/4100 radars.
1. Repair and refurbishment of pulsed Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tubes (CC TWTs) designed for operation in the frequency band 8800 MHz to 9500 MHz having a peak pulsed output power of at least 12 kW and having waveguide input/output ports, e.g. CPI type VTX-5786B5.
2. Purchase of spare Coupled Cavity Travelling Wave Tubes (CC TWTs) designed for operation in the frequency band 8800 MHz to 9500 MHz having a peak pulsed output power of at least 12 kW and having waveguide input/output ports, e.g. CPI type VTX-5786B5.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-10-04. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-08-27.




Dato Dokument
2013-08-27 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-12-03 Supplerende oplysninger