Framework agreement for compressors for injection of upgraded biogas into DONG Gas Distributions A/S' natural gas grid in Denmark

Dong Gas Distribution A/S

DONG Gas Distribution A/S' intends to install a number of compressors for injection of upgraded biogas into DONG Gas Distributions A/S' natural gas grid in Denmark.
The compressor packages will have different requirements to capacity range as well as pressure range.
Basically the units shall cover the capacity range from 150 Nm3/h to 3500 Nm3/h, with an inlet pressure of 2.0 - 6.5 barg and an outlet pressure of 19 - 40 barg. The compressor units shall be delivered as packaged units delivered in a building/container.
Further to this, one mobile compressor unit is part of the scope of supply. The capacity range of this mobile unit shall be from 150 Nm3/h to 1000 Nm3/h, with a minimum inlet pressure of 2.0 – 6.5 barg and an outlet pressure of 19 - 40 barg. The mobile compressor unit is meant to replace a damaged stationary compressor unit, in a period of time so that the damaged compressor unit can be repaired and remounted again.
The compressor units and mobile compressor unit, shall be build according to API 618 and ISO 13631.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-03-22. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-02-22.

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Dato Dokument
2013-02-22 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
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