F2-07-02 - DNU - Subproject S2, Abdominal/Inflammation

Region Midtjylland, Det Nye Universitetshospital, Projektafdelingen

The purpose of the New University Hospital (DNU) in Aarhus project is to merge all Aarhus University Hospital operational units into one common structural and functional unit. The construction work will be carried out in connection with Aarhus University Hospital, Skejby. DNU will cover an area of approximately 216,000 m² and be divided into numerous buildings. Construction is expected to take approximately 7 years to complete.
The construction work has been planned around north and south thoroughfares as well as a separate thoroughfare for the central Forum building. The work is currently planned to be offered for tender in 11 tender areas in sizes varying from approximately 7,000 m² to approximately 38,500 m².
The present call for tender, tender area S2, is a new construction covering an area of approximately 38,500 m². The works in tender area S2 are offered in two large contracts, the Building Frame/Closure Contract and the Engineering/Installation Contract, and in three trade contracts, Painting works, Flooring works and Other indoor constructions.
In addition, the following works are to be offered/have been offered in a framework tender:
- Fire protection system (automatic fire alarm system/automatic fire door closing system/automatic total flooding fire extinguishing system)
- Personal and building security system (automatic intruder alarm/automatic door control/CCTV/door intercom)
- BMS system
- IT network
- Sprinkler system
- Solar cell system
- Nurse call
- Signage
- Laboratory fittings and fume hoods
- Fittings and care products
The construction work is carried out using site-cast foundations and floor slabs. Walls and columns are designed as concrete elements. Facades are designed partly as sandwich elements and partly as rear walls made of concrete clad with suspended and masonry brick. In addition, the construction work includes glass facades facing public areas. Exterior solar shielding is used in front of window areas, as is silkscreen-printed glass in the larger glass facades. Interior partitions are primarily designed as light, non-loadbearing painted plasterboard partitions. Floors are constructed with vinyl, linoleum or seamless liquid flooring, and ceilings are designed as sound-damping system ceilings.
The construction work primarily comprises standardised buildings where approximately 80% comprises a central clinical area in which the floor slabs are flat slabs supported by columns in facades and in a central row of columns. At each end of the clinical area is a logistical core in concrete forming the building's stabilising elements. Stairways, lifts and vertical installation shafts are placed in the logistical cores. The buildings are designed as a rational, modular system.
The engineering and installation works include traditional hospital installations, such as ventilation systems, heating, water and sanitation installations, including medical gas systems, electrical installations, lifts, etc.
Feeding of all primary supply systems is carried out during the development project. The interface is the main engineering rooms.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-04-11. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-02-21.

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Dato Dokument
2013-02-21 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2013-10-29 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter