Biomass-fired CHP plant
The biomass-fired CHP plant must include design, supply, installation and commissioning of a complete biomass-fired CHP plant having a thermal power output of approximately 25 MW power (including exhaust gas condensation). The plant must be able to burn different types of biofuel (sawdust, wood pellets, willow chips, chips made from tree roots, wood chips, etc. in a varying mixing ratio). The moisture content of the fuels will thus vary from 10 % to 65 %, as the fuel to be supplied to the boiler will have a moisture content of approx. 30-55 %. The plant must produce both electricity and heat. The system can be established with steam turbine, ORC or steam engine and exhaust gas condensing, with or without absorption heat pump. The contract covers the total mechanical installation including cranes, batching plant, boiler, electricity producing unit (steam turbine, ORC or steam engine), flue gas cleaning plant, flue gas condensation plant and if possible absorption heat pump, chimney, electrical equipment, SCADA system. The contract also includes all necessary building facilities including fuel storage, machinery building and administration section.
General: The final requirements and all design parameters, construction limits and integration into the existing plant will be specified in the tender documents.
Duration of the contract: 17 months from the Award of the contract.
Official EU language(s): DA, EN.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2014-01-20.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-12-20.
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