Auxiliary transportation services to the Danish Defence
Auxiliary part-load transportation services in relation to the Danish Defence's international activities. The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization is expecting to enter a framework agreement concerning auxiliary part-load transportation services to the Danish Defence's international activities. The framework agreement is expected to commence 1.4.2014.
The framework agreement regards auxiliary part-load transportation services by air, sea and road in relation to international operations as well as international military exercises. The loads to be transported include goods of various sizes and levels of classification as well as pax. Besides part-load transportation the framework agreement covers various handling services and general support and counselling services related to international transportation services. The supplier's personnel giving support and advise regarding international transportation services must be working closely together with the relevant personnel of the Danish Defence. Currently a significant part of the transports will be in both directions between Denmark and UAE or Afghanistan, but the framework agreement must ensure sufficient transportation capacities world wide throughout the agreement's duration.
The framework agreement will be entered with three suppliers. After the commencement of the framework agreement the placement of specific orders will be based on a cascade principle meaning that the supplier who offered the most economically advantageous tender at the tender stage always will be given the opportunity to complete the specific order before the two other suppliers. Only in cases where the supplier who offered the most economically advantageous tender is not capable of completing an offered order the supplier who offered the second most economically advantageous tender will be given the opportunity to complete an order. In case the suppliers who offered the most- and second most economically advantageous tender at the tender stage both are not capable of completing the order the supplier who offered the third best tender at the tender stage will be given the opportunity to complete the order.
It is noted that the framework agreement does not include full charter air transportation services, as this is procures separately. However, the winning tenderer will need to cooperate with the provider of full charter air transportation services, if this is needed in the transportation in question.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-03-18.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2013-02-15.
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