Technical Assistance to Danish support to regional media programme in Eastern Europe and Turkey 2012-2016

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark / DANIDA

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to finance a regional programme for Media and Democratisation in the Eastern Partnership region (with special focus on Azerbaijan, Belarus and Ukraine) and Turkey with a total budget of 50 000 000 DKK over a 4 year period (2012-2016). The overall objective of the proposed programme is to contribute to making citizens and decision makers in the region better informed, leading to a more inclusive, transparent and accountable governance. The immediate objectives of the programme, which also make up the components of the programme, are:
1) to promote a pluralistic media environment in the countries of the region;
2) to strengthen independent media institutions in the region;
3) to enhance the quality and coverage of media reporting in the region.
The intention is that the three components of the programme are addressed in each of the four focus countries and where relevant regional activities will be carried out. Regional activities will be directed towards the four focus countries plus other countries from the region (Armenia, Georgia and Moldova). Activities include promotion of dialogue and coordination between media actors, civil society and government; improvement of media legislation; monitoring of national media commitments; capacity development of journalists, media outlets and NGOs; legal aid and advice to support journalists and media outlets; facilitation of investigative journalism.
It is expected that the programme will undergo an inception phase during which final decisions regarding partners and activities will be reached.
The programme will be managed through a Management Agency that will be responsible for the overall programme implementation and a number of implementing partners in each country and regionally. The overall political responsibility for the programme lies with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to whom the selected Management Agency will report.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2012-05-29. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-04-27.

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