Tail end (low dust) SCR system for Fynsværket unit 8

Vattenfall A/S

The purpose of the Qualification System is to establish a list of qualified Suppliers for a tail end (low dust) SCR system. The entire DeNOx system will require re-heating of the flue gas before the SCR-system and recovering the energy from the warm flue gas after the SCR-system by use of heat exchanger.
The Works include design, manufacturing, supply, testing and commissioning.
Flue gas flow: Approx 160.000 Nm3/h
Fuel: Biomass (straw and wood chips)
The SCR plant will be installed in a bio fired combined heat and power plant a Fynsværket in Odense Denmark. Tender Documents are scheduled to be forwarded ultimo April 2013. Contract will be awarded ultimo 2013.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2013-02-12. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2012-12-20.




Dato Dokument
2012-12-20 Udbudsbekendtgørelse